What is a divorce and family coach?


Congratulations! You're a human.

News less worthy of celebration? Thanks to said description, you're likely to feel fear, sadness, and pain in this lifetime.

Silver lining? You're likely to feel pride, joy, and triumphant moments in this lifetime.

Welcome to the fun.

No one's journey is linear. Some transitional times are quick, others take longer to see through.

In the case of a divorce or other transitional family events, working with a coach can save you money on legal fees, establish actionable goals for the next stage of life, and be your 360-degree advocate.

Why hire a coach?

Your story matters.

A coach's certification, professional experience, and network are all components in evaluating your partnership. Coaching is an investment in what's most important to you, and those you love.

The data: The International Coaching Federation did a comprehensive survey in 2009 and found 86% of companies reported employee coaching was worth the cost and time investment. In that same study, they found 80% of people who receive coaching reported an increase in self-confidence, and 70% of respondents cited improved work performance and relationships, and having developed more effective communication skills.

Traditional therapy with a Psychiatrist or Psychologist can be a supportive tool in saving space for the range of emotions experienced when facing difficult situations. When working with a Coach, actionable goals are established and accountability becomes part of the investment.

Not at struggles should be grueling, but each triumph should be spectacular. And coaching can help!

Ashleigh Walls

Passionate about learning, helping others, seeing the world


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