Reintegration After Military Deployment: A Family Guide

Reintegrating a family member after military deployment can be a challenging and emotional journey. This period of adjustment can affect every member of the family, requiring patience, understanding, and support. At Focus Family First, we understand the complexities involved in such transitions and are here to provide guidance and coaching to help families navigate this critical time.

Understanding the Challenges

The return of a deployed family member is a joyous occasion, but it often comes with a mix of emotions and adjustments. According to a study by the RAND Corporation, approximately 40% of military families report experiencing difficulties during the reintegration phase. These challenges can include changes in family roles, communication issues, and the emotional and psychological effects of deployment on both the returning service member and their loved ones.

Five Helpful Tips for a Smooth Transition

Communicate Openly and Honestly: Establish open lines of communication from the start. Encourage each family member to share their feelings and experiences during the deployment. This helps in understanding each other's perspectives and fosters a supportive environment.

Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that reintegration is a process that takes time. Setting realistic expectations about the pace of adjustment can reduce frustration and anxiety. Be patient with each other as you navigate the changes.

Seek Professional Support: Sometimes, the challenges of reintegration can be overwhelming. Seeking the help of a family coach or therapist can provide valuable tools and strategies to manage the transition. Focus Family First offers personalized coaching to support families through these changes.

Reestablish Routines: Creating a sense of normalcy can help in the adjustment process. Work together to reestablish daily routines that incorporate the returning family member, allowing everyone to feel a sense of stability and structure.

Prioritize Self-Care: Both the returning service member and the family members who stayed behind need to prioritize self-care. Taking time for activities that promote physical and mental well-being can help everyone cope with the stress of reintegration.

Addressing Emotional and Psychological Needs

Deployment can have significant emotional and psychological impacts. The National Center for PTSD estimates that about 20% of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan experience PTSD. It's crucial to recognize signs of distress in the returning service member and seek appropriate support. Family coaching can provide a safe space to address these issues and develop coping strategies.

Strengthening Family Bonds

Reintegration is also an opportunity to strengthen family bonds. Engaging in family activities, creating new traditions, and spending quality time together can help rebuild relationships. Focus Family First emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive and nurturing environment where each family member feels valued and heard.

Embracing Change Together

Every family member's experience during deployment is unique, and their needs during reintegration will differ. Embracing these differences and working together to address them can make the transition smoother. As a family, celebrate the resilience and strength that got you through the deployment and use those qualities to navigate the reintegration process.


Reintegrating a family member after military deployment is a significant transition that requires understanding, patience, and support. By communicating openly, setting realistic expectations, seeking professional help, reestablishing routines, and prioritizing self-care, families can successfully navigate this challenging period. Focus Family First is dedicated to supporting families through all types of transitions, providing the necessary tools and guidance to foster a harmonious and resilient family unit. Together, we can make the reintegration journey a positive and fulfilling experience for everyone involved.

Ashleigh Walls

Passionate about learning, helping others, seeing the world

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