Building Your Support Team

Welcome to Focus Family First’s limited blog series, Life Post Divorce. In this post, we’ll discuss the importance of building a robust support team. Having the right professionals by your side can make a world of difference during this challenging time.

Building Your Support Team

Divorce is a complex process, and you don’t have to go through it alone. Here’s how to build a support system that works for you:

1. Separate Support from Advice

Friends and family mean well, but their advice might not always be the best for your situation. Seek professional guidance to complement the moral support you receive. Focus Family First works with clients as a partner, keeping values and actionable solutions at the forefront of every day.

2. Build a Diverse Team

Consider the following professionals to support your journey:

Coach: To guide and motivate you.

Financial Advisor: To help manage and plan your finances.

Attorney: To navigate legal complexities.

Mental Health Professional: To support your emotional well-being.

Wellness Experts: To maintain your physical health and overall wellness.

3. Choose Wisely

Ensure that the professionals you choose are a good fit for you. It’s essential to feel comfortable and understood by your team members. Certified Focus Family First coaches are here to help you put your team together, keeping values and actionable solutions at the forefront of every day.

At Focus Family First, we specialize in providing comprehensive support during and after divorce. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you build a brighter future. Explore our services and discover how we can assist you in this transformative journey.

Visit our Services page to get started today.

Ashleigh Walls

Passionate about learning, helping others, seeing the world

Embracing New Routines


Managing Emotions Through Divorce