Did you ever get Covid 19? I did, more than once. The first day you test positive is actually, per CDC guidelines, Day Zero. Start counting those 5 quarantine days … tomorrow.

Wait, you say. You’re ready, you say. Let’s dive in and get this coaching session in … session.

Just like with a Covid 19 diagnosis, the first step whenever facing change (especially one where family is involved) is to simply breathe.

Once clients start to feel present, and can acknowledge, thankfully, that the breathe keeps coming, I refer them to the Focus Family First “Day Zero” coaching imagines.

These posters, poses, sayings, and techniques are part of onboarding for the Focus Family First coaching product.

I invite you to scroll through the images here, as coaching clients do too. What three resonate - for better or worse — with you?

Facing a family transition or difficult time in your life? Schedule a short informational session to see if coaching can help (we’re confident it will!).

Ashleigh Walls

Passionate about learning, helping others, seeing the world


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